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30 September, 2022
We are currently recruiting a Post-Doctoral Fellow/Senior Research Assistant in global change marine biology (click here for more information). For more information on this opportunity, contact Laura Falkenberg.
NEW PUBLICATION - Variation in thermal performance curves for oxygen consumption and loss of critical behaviors in co-occurring species indicate the potential for ecosystem stability under ocean warming
9 March, 2022
A new paper in collaboration with colleagues from Sydney has now been published online! We consi. The full text can be found here.
NEW PUBLICATION - Population genomics, transcriptional response to heat shock, and gut microbiota of the Hong Kong oyster Magallana hongkongensis
10 February, 2022
7 January, 2022
This week Laura, Patrick, and Rainbow started 2022 by attending an in-person conference - The 2nd International Conference on Biodiversity, Ecology, and Conservation of Marine Ecosystems. It was a great opportunity to meet other researchers in Hong Kong, learn what they're doing, and share what we've been up to. Rainbow was the first to present, sharing results from her first PhD experiment, then Patrick described results from a recent project considering the effects of microplastics, and finally Laura gave an Invited Presentation in which she outlined the work being done by the lab on feeding under future climates. We hope more events like this will be possible soon!
17 December, 2021
Today Rainbow Hin Hung Tsang successfully passed her PhD candidacy exam! She discussed an experiment she has already completed (and will soon present at a conference), and outlined her plans for the coming years. Congratulations Rainbow!!
NEW PUBLICATION - Variation in thermal performance curves for oxygen consumption and loss of critical behaviors in co-occurring species indicate the potential for ecosystem stability under ocean warming
7 October, 2021
A new paper by Laura and Kat has now been published online! We found differences in the response of three co-occurring gastropods to temperature. We suggest these differences may provide a mechanism by which the insurance hypothesis of biodiversity can increase the stability of more diverse ecosystems against future warming. The full text can be found here.
NEW PUBLICATION - Biotic habitats as refugia under ocean acidification
4 October, 2021
A new paper has been published by members of the lab (Laura and James) in collaboration with co-authors from Sydney (Elliot Scanes and Pauline Ross) considering the potential for biotic habitats to act as refugia under ocean acidification. Importantly, we highlight the importance of environmental factors and local management in shaping impacts. The full text can be found here.
NEW PUBLICATIONS - Maximizing the impact of science outreach training and Maximizing your next research article's discoverability-and Altmetric score
1 October, 2021
In the two most recent issues of Limnology and Oceanography: Bulletin Laura has been involved with papers designed to help other researchers. The first was written in collaboration with Emily King, Bayden Russell, and Bob Chen and focused on science outreach training (full text can be found here), and the second was an interview with Brett Jameson about enhancing discovery and Altmetric scores for published research (full text can be found here).
ANNOUNCEMENT - Laura will be Editor for the L&O Bulletin
13 August, 2021
It has now been announced that Laura will take on the role of Editor for Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin. You can see more detail in the announcement here.
1 August, 2021
This is Alissa's first day with us as at CUHK a PhD candidate. Before beginning her PhD Alissa completed a Bachelor of Science degree with Honours at Queen Mary University of London, and then a Master of Research in Marine Biology at the University of Plymouth. You can read more about the research areas she will be working on during her PhD here.
CONFERENCE PARTICIPATION - The International Symposium on Marine Science and Engineering for Young Scientists and Postgraduates
14 July, 2021
Today Final Year Project Student, Matthew Yat-Sum Cheng, presented his work considering "Behavioural and physiological responses of tropical gastropods to marine heatwaves" at the International Symposium on Marine Science and Engineering for Young Scientists and Postgraduates. We look forward to seeing what comes next from these young scientists!
CONFERENCE PARTICIPATION - ASLO 2021, Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Virtual
27 June, 2021
Last week Laura and Patrick virtually attended the ASLO 2021 Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Both presented on their research looking at the effects of marine heatwaves in Hong Kong. In addition, Laura served on the panel of a mentoring workshop for Early Career Researchers with her session considering peer review and editorial activities, and also presented an invited talk in the Special Session "Author spotlight: recent high-impact authors from the ASLO journals" about the "Reviewing reviews" paper she wrote with Pat Soranno which you can read here.
NEW PUBLICATION - Ocean warming reduces gastropod survival despite maintenance of feeding and oxygen consumption rates
8 June, 2021
A new paper has been published by members of the lab looking at the effects of prolonged warming on the survival, feeding, and oxygen consumption of marine gastropods. The experimental work was completed by Laura, Dina, and Kat during Dina's time in the Summer Undergraduate Research Programme. The full text can be found here.
24 May, 2021
Today we welcome new lab members - Final Year Project Students Cheuk Ki Arnold Tang and Lok Tung Joyce Lam. This means that our previous Final Year Project students - Winnie and Matthew - are now officially finished! Happily both Winnie and Matthew will be staying with the lab as Undergraduate Student Helpers over the summer. Details about each of these lab members and their projects can be found here.
NEW PUBLICATION - Engaging the next generation of editorial talent through a hands-on fellowship model
28 April, 2021
In this new paper Laura, along with colleagues from the Raelyn Cole Editorial Fellowship (RCEF) programme, describe the RCEF editorial fellowship as a model for integrating ECR ideas about publishing and training the next generation. The full text can be found here.
ANNOUNCEMENT - Laura is now Contributing Editor for the L&O Bulletin
4 March, 2021
It has now been announced that Laura has taken on the role of Contributing Editor for Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin. In this role Laura will be responsible for acquiring content for the journal, so please contact her if you have any suggestions.
17 December, 2020
Today James Ducker successfully passed his PhD candidacy exam! He shared the work he will do, as well as that already completed and included in his first publication from CUHK. Congratulations James!!
NEW PUBLICATION - How the Pacific oyster responds to ocean acidification: development and application of a meta-analysis based Adverse Outcome Pathway
4 December, 2020
PhD candidate James Ducker has successfully led the publication of his first first authored paper! Together with Laura they conducted a meta-analysis of ocean acidification effects on calcifying organisms, and then used this information to develop an Adverse Outcome Pathway for ocean acidification effects on the Pacific oyster. This represents a unique application of the Adverse Outcome Pathway framework - typically applied in ecotoxicology - to the field of global change biology. The full text can be found here.
NEW PUBLICATION - Virtual networking between editors and early career scientists
6 November, 2020
A case study virtual networking event has been used as the basis for a publication which Laura contributed to:
"Virtual networking events between editors and early career researchers may facilitate more equitable access to key publishing information than at a traditional conference" which has just been published in Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin. The full text can be found here.
30 September, 2020
Today we welcome a new lab member - Patrick Joyce. Patrick will be working as a Research Associate on species interactions, and how they are influenced by global change. You can find out more about Patrick here.
1 August, 2020
Today we welcome two new PhD candidates - Samyuktha Rao Kandregula and Hin Hung Rainbow Tsang. You can learn more about Sammy and Rainbow here.
NEW PUBLICATION - Ocean acidification and human health
24 June, 2020
A new paper about the potential effects of ocean acidification on human health has been published as part of the "Special Issue - Oceans and Human Health: The Importance of Marine Ecosystems on Human Health and Wellbeing" in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. This paper, led by Laura, explores how ocean acidification influences the quantity and quality of resources key to human health and well-being in the context of: (1) malnutrition and poisoning, (2) respiratory issues, (3) mental health impacts, and (4) development of medical resources. The full text can be found here.
1 June, 2020
Today we welcome a number of new lab members - these include Research Assistant Jay Minuti, Final Year Project Students Yat Sum Matthew Cheng and Wing Yee Winnie Tang, and Undergraduate Student Helper Yuk Long Ryan Yip. Details about each of these lab members and their projects can be found here. We're looking forward to a fun and productive summer!
25 May, 2020
We are currently recruiting a Post-Doctoral Fellow/Research Associate in global change marine biology (click here for more information). For more information on this opportunity, contact Laura Falkenberg.
CONFERENCE PARTICIPATION - Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020
17 February, 2020
Despite being disappointed to not attend OSM 2020 in person this week as a consequence of COVID19, Laura was able to participate remotely presenting a talk about "Becoming an international researcher: anecdotes, strategies, and resources" to the LOREX programme, and a scientific talk on "Species-specific responses of tropical gastropods to moderate ocean warming" co-authored by fellow lab members Dina and Kat.
NEW PUBLICATION - Illuminating a black box of the peer review system: demographics, experiences, and career benefits of Associate Editors
6 February, 2020
A new paper representing a collaboration among participants of the Raelyn Cole Editorial Fellowship programme, including Laura, has been published. Here, the demographics of journal Associate Editors were discussed and the career benefits of taking on this role as an Early Career Researcher explored. The full text can be found here.
22 November, 2019
The Asian Townscape Awards of 2019 are being held here in Hong Kong and today, associated with the event, was a conference titled "Resilient city - landscape planning towards climate adaptation". At this conference Laura presented a talk about ecosystem services in an era of development and climate change, and acted as a member of the panel during the discussion. The event was unusual in that it brought together the perspectives of marine biologists, architects, conservationists, and engineers. More information can be found here.
30 August, 2019
The database of articles Laura is presenting during the Global Change Biology course is now available here.
1 August, 2019
Today is the first day for our inaugural PhD candidate - James Ducker. Before starting at CUHK James completed a Bachelor of Science (Zoology) degree with Honours from the University of Manchester, and a Masters in Research (Marine Biology) with the University of Plymouth in partnership with the Marine Biological Association. You can learn more about James and his research interests here.
NEW LAB MEMBERS - Summer students
3 July, 2019
Recently we have had two students join us for the summer. Dina-Leigh Simons is visiting from the University of Sheffield and is in Hong Kong as part of the Summer Undergraduate Research Programme (more information about SURP can be found here). While in Hong Kong, Dina will be working on a project considering how warming effects gastropod survival and physiology. In addition, Yan Hei Janice Lung will be joining us from the Institute of Vocational Education as a summer intern. She will be assisting lab members with ongoing projects. Welcome Dina and Janice!
CONFERENCE PARTICIPATION - The Crustacean Society Mid-Year Meeting and 9th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology
17 June, 2019
It has been a busy few weeks for marine science here in Hong Kong - The Crustacean Society Mid-Year Meeting was held at The Chinese University of Hong Kong from 26-30 May, and the 9th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology was held at The University of Hong Kong from 10-14 June. At the first, Laura led a workshop about "Effective peer review", while at the second she ran a workshop on "Writing effective abstracts and lay summaries" as well as presenting a scientific talk on the topic of "Male fitness landscapes of different populations show distinct responses to ocean acidification and freshening" (the paper it is based on can be found here). We hope all visitors enjoyed their time in Hong Kong!
NEW PUBLICATION - Sperm motility of oysters from distinct populations differs in response to ocean acidification and freshening
29 May, 2019
A new paper authored by Laura in collaboration with Craig Styan and Jon Havenhand has been published. Here, it was found that that there was variation in oyster sperm response to ocean acidification and freshening at both the level of the individual, and at the level of the population. Such results highlight the need to consider variation within and among population responses to forecast effects of multiple environmental change drivers. The full text can be found here.
NEW BOOK REVIEW - "The Effective Scientist"
21 May, 2019
Interested in learning what it takes to be an "effective" scientist? In the most recent edition of the Limnology and Oceanography: Bulletin Laura provides a review of one possible resource, specifically "The Effective Scientist" written by Corey Bradshaw, with illustrations by René Campbell. The full review can be found here.
NEW BLOG POST - The changing of the guard: a discussion between an outgoing and incoming Editorial Fellow
1 May, 2019
To mark the end of her time as Raelyn Cole Editorial Fellow Laura has collaborated with the new fellow, Scott Hotaling, on a piece for the ASLO blog. In it, Laura shared some of the highlights from her time in the program, and Scott outlined where he wants to take it in the future.
NEW BLOG POST - Writing effective titles, abstracts, and summaries
5 April, 2019
At the recent ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico Laura worked with Kelsey Poulsoun-Ellestad, her counterpart in the Raelyn Cole Editorial Fellowship program, to lead a workshop on how to compose effective titles, abstracts, & summaries. The key tips are outlined in this newly-released blog post.
NEW BLOG POST - The Women of the Raelyn Cole Editorial Fellowship
8 March, 2019
To celebrate International Women's Day Laura has released a blog post on the ASLO website highlighting the role of women in inspiring, developing, supporting, and participating in the Raelyn Cole Editorial Fellowship. The post can be found here.
CONFERENCE PARTICIPATION - ASLO 2019 Aquatic Sciences Meeting
4 March, 2019
Laura has just returned from San Juan, Puerto Rico where she attended the ASLO 2019 Planet Water: Challenges and Successes meeting. At the meeting Laura led a workshop on writing effective Abstracts and Lay Summaries with fellow RCEF Kelsey Poulson-Ellestad, presented a talk, and took part in the Mentoring Program.
11 February, 2019
Today we are excited to welcome a new member to the lab - Kat Anderson. Kat did a PhD at The University of British Columbia, before moving to Washington State University for a Post Doctoral position. You can read more about Kat and her research interests here.
NEW BLOG POST - My strategies for attending academic conferences as an ECR
24 January, 2019
A new blog post authored by Laura has just been released on the ASLO site - this one is a personal account of some strategies used to attend academic conferences. Key tips include: waiting for time to pass (persisting), building a network, using presentations as an opportunity to learn, and approaching the conference in a style that suits you. The full post can be found here.
WORKSHOP ATTENDED - Ocean science education and outreach
14 January, 2019
Today Laura attended a workshop facilitated by Robert Chen about "Ocean science education and outreach: broadening the reach of your science". There were some exciting post-workshop conversations, so watch this space for developments!
CONFERENCE PARTICIPATION - 12th International Temperate Reefs Symposium
12 January, 2019
To start this year Laura attended the 12th International Temperate Reefs Symposium in Hong Kong. In her role as Raelyn Cole Editorial Fellow with ASLO Laura chaired a workshop on "Effective peer review". Thanks to all who came along! For those who want more information, the piece on which the session was based can be found here.
In addition, work about the effects of climate change on kelp ecosystems Laura was involved in was presented by co-author Richard Bellerby.
NEW PUBLICATION - Approaches to reconsider literature on physiological effects of environmental change: examples from ocean acidification research
28 November, 2018
A new paper led by Laura with co-authors Sam Dupont and Richard Bellerby has just been published. The paper outlines a range of approaches appropriate in bringing together the findings of studies considering ocean acidification effects. It is hoped this review will provide insight as to how these, and other, synthesis frameworks may be used in the future. To read the paper, click here.
NEW BLOG POST - Open Access – part of a broader movement towards Open Science
2 November, 2018
Laura has just released a new blog post on the ASLO website highlighting some of the key aspects of Open Science, to increase awareness and understanding of the context within which Open Access is operating. To read the post, click here.
NEW REPORT - AMAP Assessment 2018: Arctic Ocean Acidification
17 October, 2018
One week ago, the new AMAP (Arctic Monitoring Assessment Programme) Arctic Ocean Acidification assessment was released, for which Laura was one of the lead authors (first author of a chapter, and contributing author to two of the case studies). Since then it has been great to see the work highlighted on a range of sites, including those for World Wildlife Fund, Scitech Eurpoa, NRK, and Sveriges Radio AB.
11 October, 2018
Today Laura gave her first lecture at CUHK - happily it was about one of her favourite topics, kelp forests! Over the rest of her lectures in the Marine Biology course she will cover other areas of particular interest including polar oceans, fisheries and marine resources, as well as ocean, climate, and global change.
7 October, 2018
Laura has just returned from a very quick trip to Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, to participate in the annual ASLO-Wiley Strategy Day as part of her term as Raelyn Cole Editorial Fellow (for more detail about the Strategy Day you can see a blog post from last year here). Although a short meeting, there were lots of topics covered which will, no doubt, be covered in future ASLO blogs, so be sure to stay tuned.
NEW BLOG POST - A Fellows' perspective of the Raelyn Cole Editorial Fellowship
28 August, 2018
Laura has just released a new blog post about her experience in the RCEF program so far. This post is timed to provide information for ECRs looking to apply for the next round of Fellowships. To read the post, which includes a link to the call for applications, click here.
27 August, 2018
We are currently recruiting a Post-Doctoral Fellow/Research Associate, and a Research Assistant (click here for more information). We are also accepting expressions of interest from potential PhD candidates. For more information on these opportunities, contact Laura Falkenberg.
NEW PUBLICATION - How editorial fellowships at society journals can provide opportunities for early career researchers in publishing: a case study of the Raelyn Cole Editorial Fellowship
24 August, 2018
In her role as Raelyn Cole Editorial Fellow with the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), Laura has co-authored a publication with Pat Soranno, L&O Letters Editor-in-Chief. The viewpoint article discusses key aspects of this unique Editorial Fellowship programme, and highlights the benefits participating can have for ECRs. To read the article, click here.
1 August, 2018
We are excited to be launching the Falkenberg Laboratory website! Visit again for updates...
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